Sunday, September 27, 2009


Mother Goose Time's newest release is the Treehouse Club, featuring folk-inspired children's music. With 3000 copies already sold, we know you'll love this quality children's music.
The songs will have your children singing along to silly songs about trees, leaves, spiders, bees, and even a big moose.

Purchase the entire CD directly from Mother Goose Time at

The Changing Colors of Leaves

Trees are amazing.
Explore their mysteries with your preschooler in the Mother Goose Time Curriculum October 2009 Kit. Includes daily activities, art, music, books and lots more!

Do you homeschool - you can order for just one or two children. Do you have a large childcare center - kits are available for multiple classrooms. Mother Goose Time customizes each kit to your size and needs.

Order Today Online at