Monday, December 29, 2008

Snow Owls and Socks

This Activity Teaches
  • critical thinking
  • counting
  • make-believe

  • The Snowy owl has feathers on its feet to keep them warm in the cold weather.
  • How do you keep your feet warm?
  1. Put as many socks on your foot as you can.
  2. Count as you put each sock on.
  3. Flap and Dance around to the song Snow Owl from the CD Ice Castle by Mother Goose Time

This activity was reprinted with permission by Mother Goose Time Preschool Curriculum


  1. That's a very good idea!! I will try it in the next oportunity.

  2. I cant wait to try this next week, Do you give them the right size socks for them or bigger ones to put over their own> How many socks pe?r child
